PinnedHow the Pandemic Ruins My Dream of Working AbroadLast summer, I landed in the UK with a plan to start my career after graduation. Now, I’m completely lost and unemployed.Oct 9, 2020Oct 9, 2020
“I can tell you how close I am to a COVID patient”: what does the life of an RT student in America…When many studying abroad were forced to head home over the pandemic, Ollie Hou began his journey in the opposite direction.Jul 4, 2021Jul 4, 2021
【雙語】Facebook’s Australian brawl got me thinking: can we value good journalism more?Good journalism, on which critical thinking and media literacy are built, is supposed to provide more context and make readers feel, think…Mar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021
《換日線》疫情下自英返台,工作有「變好找」嗎?新聞所碩士畢業生,分享兩國求職實況當新冠病毒持續發威,將世界各國鬧得人仰馬翻,防疫相對有成的台灣,逐漸吸引外籍人士前來,更掀起一波海外人才回流潮。然而,現在回台找工作,真的有如想像中的容易嗎?Mar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021
From “China virus” to “UK coronavirus variant”, what is the pandemic telling us about xenophobia?Will there be more mutual empathy between different ethnic groups in terms of stereotypes and racism?Jan 13, 2021Jan 13, 2021
回臺灣不是旅程的終點,只是換個地方,做相同的夢「也許這是命運在告訴你,你把人生的藍圖想的太小了。」當我在英國求職處處碰壁、連打工都因疫情而泡湯時,一位西班牙朋友對我這麼說。Dec 5, 2020Dec 5, 2020